An ode to a fireworks display I once saw…

Dazzling in the night with magnificence from the heavens
Showering glorious spectacle on a crowd of human souls
Who gasp in one breath at the cataclysm of colours
Raining fire of hallucinating radiance
I see the lights in the sky

Blood red, splatters the above
Glorious yellow harassed by specs of gold
Rapid comets combusting in magical brilliance
The eye is truly inundated
By the lights in the sky

There is a drizzle tonight
It is raining with light
The ambience is overcome with energy
Our souls are dancing in the chaotic splendour
Of the lights in the sky

The world is carved tonight with beauty
The sounds tremble our very spirits
The night is only a thing of the imagination
Overshadowed by the omnipresent reality
Of a million lights in the sky.

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